Chapter 6: The Importance Of Saving A Marriage

Chapter 6: The Importance Of Saving A Marriage 
Marriage is not something that should be taken lightly and this is even more so when there are signs within the relationship that signify some level of trouble brewing. Most people try to take the necessary steps to save the marriage before throwing in the towel or raising the white flag in defeat.                 
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Don’t Give Up!  
Every marriage is worth saving, and it would certainly be worth the effort to try and salvage what was once something beautiful and wonderful. This is even more important of an exercise if there are children involved. The following are some ways to explore if both parties are really interested in making an attempt to save the marriage: 
• Set aside some time to talk about things that have caused the marriage to lose its luster. This may not be easy to do without outside help such as a support group or counseling sessions. Attempting to do so without guidance may cause the couple to get into an argument or worse, into a fighting match where unfounded accusations will make the situation even worse. 
• Genuinely seeking another chance to make the marriage work is another option to explore in the quest towards saving the marriage. Sometimes asking for another chance and then taking all the necessary steps to ensure genuine effort is made will help both parties view the marriage in a different light. Active participation towards the end goal of saving the marriage will require commitment and perseverance.  
• Some people may decide to make physical life changing decisions in order to prove their sincerity toward wanting to save the marriage. These may include changing jobs, relocating to a quieter neighborhood to create a better quality of life or even new activities.  
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Wrapping Up  
There really is not a point in giving up on a marriage and wasting many years and much effort. As long as there is still love in the picture there is still a chance of fixing things. However, it is important to know when a relationship is better ended such as toxic or abusive situations. If there is still a spark there though you should definitely try some of the above tips to fix your marriage, after all some people believe you only get one shot at true love.  


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Chapter 3 Use Love Letters And A Date Night

Marriage Saving Tips

Chapter 2: Schedule Time Together