Chapter 4: Keep Yourself In Good Shape Physically And Mentally /Chapter 5: Put Your Spouse On The Top Of The List

 Chapter 4: Keep Yourself In Good Shape Physically And Mentally 


During the dating stages, everyone usually goes the extra mile to appear appealing and at their best. However sadly, this is not so when the couple become comfortable with each other and are already in the relationship for some time. Experts on the subject strongly suggest not letting one’s physical appearance be neglected. This is also true when it comes to the mental growth of the individual in a committed relationship.  

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Show Pride In Yourself  

People don’t seem to understand the importance of keeping up on both these fronts. Neither party will be interested in coming home to a relationship where there is no effort put into keeping each other excited and guessing. Boredom will usually be the result of such disinterest and this will eventually force both parties to seek excitement outside the existing relationship. There is always the danger of the stay at home partner being the one that eventually allows the mental and physical appearance to go downhill. Some people just don’t seem to understand the impact made on each other when there is a total lack of interest in the general upkeep, both mentally and physically. This is especially so when there are so many temptations outside the marriage perimeter, this often reminds the straying party of exactly what they are missing out on. This is often also one of the main reasons why there is infidelity and discord within a relationship that has been in existence for quite some time. 

Busy schedules and commitments are often the excuses given for the lack of focus on keeping oneself in the best of conditions, both mentally and physically. If both parties don’t make a concerted effort to look good for each other, it certainly gives the impression of not valuing the relationship enough.   

Chapter 5: Put Your Spouse On The Top Of The List 


Making a spouse feel important and loved in a relationship will definitely benefit both parties as the effort made will not go unnoticed for long. Making someone feel important is not only a delightful way of expressing love and respect for the person, but is also another way of cherishing the loved one.                  

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Put Them On A Pedestal  

Happily married couples will almost always attest to the fact that treating each other with respect and love goes a long way in keeping the relationship strong and being able to stand the test of time. Besides the more obvious reason such as love and respect for the spouse, this treatment will also show the level of value the individual puts on the existence of the spouse within the context of the relationship. It will also be a very natural corresponding action to return from the receiving party, thus making the relationship even stronger and longer lasting.  

The more popular way of extending the attitude of putting the spouse foremost in thought and deed would be to always consult the spouse when important decision are to be made that would affect each other. Others may include finding ways to keep the spouse happy and contented within the relationship, by making a conscious effort to indulge in or arrange for activities that would make the spouse feel special and loved and even buying small gifts for no particular reason, except to express love. Simple acts that don’t cause a lot of work or money such as opening a door or pulling out a chair for the spouse will go a long way in making the spouse feel special and loved. Always choosing to spend quality time with the spouse whenever the opportunity presents itself is also one way of putting the spouse on the top of the list.  


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Chapter 3 Use Love Letters And A Date Night

Marriage Saving Tips

Chapter 2: Schedule Time Together